How Much Sleep Does Your Dog Need?

Have you ever wondered how much sleep your dog needs? It’s an important question to ask, since dogs need ample rest in order to stay healthy and happy! Many people think that dogs sleep all day, but in reality, your pup may only be snoozing for about 12-14 hours a day. Let’s take a clo


The Amount of Sleep Varies By Breed
The amount of sleep each dog needs will vary based on the breed and size of the dog. Smaller breeds tend to need more rest than larger breeds, so if you own a smaller breed, make sure you give them plenty of downtime. Puppies require even more rest than adult dogs—about 18-20 hours per day! The American Kennel Club recommends that puppies get plenty of “quiet time” throughout the day as they grow up.

How Much Is Too Much Sleep?
Ideally, your pup should get around 12-14 hours of sleep per day. If they’re sleeping too much (more than 16 hours per day), it could be an indication that something is wrong. Excessive sleeping can be a sign of illness or depression; if this happens, it’s always best to check with your vet to ensure that everything is okay.

Just like humans, dogs need adequate rest in order to stay healthy and alert. The amount of sleep required will vary from breed to breed and from puppy to adult dog; however, most pets should aim for about 12-14 hours of sleep each day. If your pet is sleeping too much (more than 16 hours a day), it could be an indication that something is wrong—so make sure you consult with a veterinarian right away! With the right amount of rest every day, your pup will stay healthy and happy for many years to come!

Darryl Polo

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