5 Tricks You Can Teach Your French Bulldog

French Bulldogs are one of the most popular breeds of dogs today, and they make great family pets. Whether you’re a first-time dog owner or an experienced pooch parent, teaching your French Bulldog some basic tricks can be a great way to bond with your pup and keep them entertained.

Here are five tricks you can teach your French Bulldog in no time!

Sit Stay - One of the simplest yet most important things you can teach your French Bulldog is how to sit and stay. This command teaches them self-control, as well as helping them understand that they need to wait until they get permission before moving. To teach this trick, start by getting your pup into a sitting position and then give them the “sit” command. If they stay in position for more than a few seconds, reward them with a treat or a few words of praise. With enough practice, your pup will learn to sit and stay without needing any treats or rewards.

Come - Teaching your pup how to come is another essential skill for all dogs to know. The “come” command will help keep your pup safe if you ever need to call them back quickly from running off somewhere. Start by calling out their name and then giving the “come” command when they look at you. Once they reach you, give them lots of love and praise as a reward for coming back quickly. With enough practice, your pup will learn the “come” command quickly and easily!

Shake Hands - Shake hands is another easy trick that most dogs can learn in no time. To teach this trick, start by getting your pup into a sitting position and then hold out one of their paws in front of them. When they lift their paw up to shake yours, give them lots of praise and maybe even a treat as a reward for being so intelligent! With enough repetition, they will soon understand what it means when you ask them to shake hands!

Roll Over - Rolling over may seem like an advanced trick but it is actually quite simple once you break it down into smaller steps. Start by getting your pup into a laying down position on their side with their head facing away from you and then give the “roll over” command while gently pushing on their shoulder blades towards the opposite side of their body (this should cause them to roll over onto their back). Give lots of praise once they complete the rollover successfully! With enough practice, this trick will become second nature for your pup!

Spin - The spin trick may seem complicated but it is actually quite easy once you break it down into smaller steps. Start by standing next to your pup while facing away from them and then give the “spin” command while gently pushing on their shoulder blades towards the opposite side of their body (this should cause them to turn around). Give lots of praise once they complete the spin successfully! This fun trick will entertain both you and your pooch for hours!

Training any dog takes patience and consistency but teaching tricks can be an incredibly rewarding experience for both pet parents and pups alike! With these five simple tricks under its belt, your French Bulldog will be sure to impress everyone who meets him or her! Remember that every dog learns differently so be sure to go at its own pace when teaching these tricks—your furry friend will thank you later!

Darryl Polo

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