How To Properly Trim Your Dogs Nails

Makingn sure you trim your puppys nails to just the right length!

Once you have determined how to properly trim your dog’s nails and gathered the necessary supplies, it is important to understand how long you should trim your dog’s nails. The length of the nails should be trimmed just short enough that they don't touch the ground when standing in their natural position. If they are too long and curl under the foot, this can cause discomfort or even injury. It is typically recommended that you only take off a small portion at a time, so as not to cut into the quick (the pink area inside the nail where there are nerve endings). If your pet's nails do reach this point, apply pressure with a finger or styptic powder to stop any bleeding. It is also suggested that you frequently trim your pet's nails rather than wait too long in between trimmings, as the longer they become, the more likely it is that you will cut into the quick. With regular and proper nail trimming, not only can you keep your pet comfortable but also help protect their feet and make walking easier.


Finally, it is important to remember that if at any point during the nail trimming process your dog begins to act anxious or uncomfortable, then stop immediately and consult a professional for assistance. Taking your time and providing positive reinforcement along the way can go a long way towards making sure everyone involved remains calm and relaxed. Properly trimmed nails contribute to overall pet health, so taking the time to learn how to do it correctly is well worth the effort.


Good luck!

Darryl Polo

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